Student Code of Conduct

Columbia is proud of its creative and diverse community of faculty, students, and staff who create and participate in educational opportunities in the arts, media, and communications. Columbia provides a caring environment; one in which freedom of expression is valued and civility is observed. Students are encouraged to value our community and to accept responsibility for their individual behavior as well as for the common good.

Columbia’s Code of Conduct exists to guide the creation of our community while providing expectations of behavior to ensure all members of our community are able to thrive in the educational space. Students should be thoroughly familiar with the academic and general requirements and polices of Columbia, as stated in the Columbia Catalog, Student Handbook, course schedule, and other official Columbia materials and publications. In addition, it is understood that students assume responsibility for the behavior of their guests on campus. Students are expected to share information regarding Columbia policies with their guests and to ensure that their guests’ behavior conforms to Columbia’s expectations. Faculty and staff are available to provide assistance and guidance to students concerning Columbia requirements and policies; however, the responsibility for understanding and meeting Columbia requirements rests with the student. Members of the Collumbia community can report alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct through this website.

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