Kevin Christophersen Encourages Self-Care in “Building Your Emotional Muscle”

Communication Associate Professor Kevin Christophersen recently wrote “Building Your Emotional Muscle” for The Huffington Post. This came after his first article was published in February, “1 in 3 Gay Men Are Using Steroids.”
Christophersen and Communication Associate Professor, Peg Murphy, had been analyzing advertisements, social media, gay dating sites and gay hook up apps for several years to understand how various media vehicles and peer influence affect body perception within the gay community. After surveying 1,032 gay men from around the globe, 29% anonymously admitted using steroids.
In this article, Christophersen interviewed former Bravo Work Out contestant Jesse Jordan. He discusses Jordan’s use of steroids and the pressure he felt to meet the high body standards of gay men, which culminated in a cardiomegaly for Jordan in 2014.
Christophersen sympathizes with feeling pressure to meet unrealistic body expectations and describes his journey down his own path to self-care and love after years of intense workouts and his own experience with steroids. He now dedicates time  to improving his “mental and emotional intelligence,” and is now" focused on being more open, authentic, vulnerable, and learned to nurture my inner soul.”