Steven Apter - Columbia College Chicago

Steven Apter

Adjunct Professor of Instruction


Since 1998 I have been a member of the adjunct faculty in the Cinema and Television Arts (CTVA) Department at Columbia College Chicago focusing primarily on classes in the areas of Production and Editing, as well as Aesthetics and Storytelling.

Since 1995 I have worked as an editor for several award-winning documentaries and dramas in the field of educational and broadcast production. Some of these awards include Midwest Emmy Awards – Outstanding Achievement for a Documentary Program Find Yourself a Dream: The Bob Love Story and 1st PrizeGold Camera, Houston International Film FestivalReflections From The Heart Of A Child

In 2012, I earned my Master of Fine Arts degree in Independent Film and Digital Imaging at Governors State University. I have earned Bachelors of Arts Degrees in both Cinema Studies from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Television Production from Columbia College Chicago.


Instructional Areas

Television - Production and Editing, Aesthetics and Storytelling. Cinema - Production and Editing

Creative Practice and Research Interests

Freelance Video Editor for Educational and documentary production.


B.A., Cinema Studies University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 1992
B.A., Television Columbia College Chicago 1995
M.F.A., Independent Film and Digital Imaging Governors State University 2012