Fall 2023 Course Registration Now Open

Registration for current students at Columbia College Chicago for Fall semester and summer courses opens on April 3. With RegFest finished up, it’s time to get started.
To make sure everything goes smoothly and students find the best classes for them, here are five tips for registration.
1. Find registration details.
Every returning Columbia student has an assigned date and time to start registering for classes. Students received an email with their slot. This is not the only time students can register. The listing only notes when their registration period begins. They can add and change classes after that listed time as well.
It's important for students to check their MyAcademics tab on MyColumbia as soon as possible. If there are any holds on the account that will prevent a student from registering, they will be listed here. These holds can be regarding incomplete medical records, incomplete paperwork, financial discrepancies, or more. They can take time to clear and delay registration, so it is important to take care of them as soon as possible.
2. Check out class options.
Get inspired by checking out all the unique courses Columbia has to offer. From “Exploring Star Wars: Spectacle, Culture, Fandom” to “Marine Biology” and “Acting for Animators” there is truly a class for everyone. Future students and current students alike can benefit from perusing the course catalog. Find classes of interest and start planning your academic path for future semesters.
3. Ask an advisor.
Returning students do not need to have their classes signed off on by an advisor, but they are still available to help answer questions that may arise. Though meeting with an advisor prior to a student’s registration date is preferable so that a solid plan can be made, there are avenues to get advice during the registration process as well. Students can take advantage of the College Advising Center’s drop-in hours over Zoom. These drop-ins do not require an appointment, and students can find out when their advisor is scheduled and virtually stop in with a question.
4. Be patient.
Registration can be stressful and sometimes frustrating. It’s hard when a class needed for graduation is full, the timing doesn’t line up for students to take the classes they want, or there is confusion over what academic path is best. Remember that students can always reach out for guidance from their advisors and that class offerings are ever-changing. Seats may open in classes after a student’s registration date, and there may be other opportunities to take a course or fill a requirement. Please reach out for help and guidance when needed and remember that registration is always changing.
5. Get excited.
There’s so much to learn at Columbia! Every class leads students closer to their dream careers and allows them to continue finding their creative voice and passions. Although Fall semester can seem far away, it is really just right around the corner. Registration is just another step toward graduation and the chance to Shape What’s Next.
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