Assistant Professor Susan Kerns Presenting at Art House Convergence 2017 Annual Conference Panel

Cinema Art and Science assistant professor, co-founder and co-director of the Columbia Feminist Film Festival Susan Kerns will be presenting at Art House Convergence 2017. Her panel Film Festival Alliance: Cultivating a Younger Audience will teach “successful strategies to reach younger, affluent audience- and potential new supporters.” Her panel will also discuss how to target Generation X and Millennials to become long-term patrons and donors.

The Art House Annual Conference is the largest annual gathering of Art House cinema and festival professionals worldwide. The goal of the annual conference is to engage art house theaters, film festivals, film societies, museums, and other exhibition-oriented organizations through a variety of topics.

Film Festival Alliance: Cultivating a Younger Audience
Presenters: Susan Kerns, Anna Feder, Stephanie Malone, Jeff Ross
January 17, 2017
784 W. Resort Dr, Midway UT

In addition, Kerns and Humanities, History and Social Sciences assistant professor Michelle Yates collaborated for the Chicago Feminist Film Festival showcasing independent film that aims to address issues of gender, sexuality, race and other inequality while creating an inclusive space for under-represented artists to share their work.

Chicago Feminist Film Festival
March 1-3, 2017
1104 S. Wabash, 8th Floor