Fynta Sidime

European Devised Performance Practice MFA

What made you choose Columbia?

When I was looking to advance my degree, I really wanted a program that will hone my creative skills and teach me about entrepreneurship. My approach to creating for stage is interdisciplinary, I was searching for a school that would foster all of my creative curiosity. When I saw the European devised MFA program I was immediately drawn to Columbia. Everything about the program spoke to my vision. 

What do you plan on studying during your time here?

I am currently in the European Devised performance practice MFA program. What excites me more about this program is the balance between, creativity, research, and learning about starting a new business.

What are your career goals at this time?

My career goal at this time is to start a theater company in my home country Guinea, West Africa. I want to work as a performer and theater-maker between both countries and other places as well. 

What do you most look forward to about learning and creating in Chicago?

I look forward to immersing in the artistic community, collaborating on creative projects, and learning about Chicago itself. 

How do you see your artistic practice engaging with contemporary events?

Theater making at this time is revolutionary! And I want my works to reflect that. As an artist and maker, it is very important to document these moments and craft pieces that would best commemorate this time and the people who are fighting to make a difference. It is important to bring joy, laugher, and hope to people through art. Because laugher alone is a radical act, and so in every medium, I work in I will demonstrate that.  I want to bring people together in collaboration and celebration.

I want my work to inspire and create a radical changes I wish to see in the world.