Jordan Dawson

English and Creative Writing

What made you choose Columbia?

I chose Columbia because it offered my major, which many schools I was searching for at the time did not. It also offered so many opportunities that I never imagined. When I stepped onto the campus grounds to scope it out, I had zero doubts and I knew it was the school for me and that I was going to be successful. I knew I was going to be surrounded by a supporting and loving community who love what I do, which is create art and express our individuality, not only among ourselves but with those in different parts of the world. (I also fell in love with the beautiful campus.)

What do you plan on studying during your time here?

I plan on studying creative writing with a focus on poetry and also double majoring in journalism (I like to write). I had a love for English and stories for as long as I can remember. I started getting serious with writing my junior year of high school, but before I got into writing, I read alot; I read almost anything, but the two books that inspired me to start writing was a poetry book called, "The Poet X" by Elizabeth Acevodo and "The Children of Blood and Bone" by Tomi Adeyemi."

What are your career goals at this time?

At this time, I truly just want to be a boss lady and do everything! There's so much I can do than to just settle for one career. I want to write my own books, write articles be a voice for the people and advocate, own my own company/business, you name it, everything is up for grabs. I just love the idea of living a fulfilled life and helping others, either with my art or by simply being kind and wanting a change, by showing love to others despite their differences.

What do you most look forward to about learning and creating in Chicago?

I look forward to many things because in the city there is just so many opportunities and things to learn. I really want to learn Black World studies and the culture of my people and really dive into the artistic aspect of how we contributed to the world despite the troubles that were thrown at us and is still thrown at us. I also want to attend slam poetry events and perform, I have never performed or let alone shared my poetry with so many people and by doing this it will make me more comfortable sharing my art and getting out of my shyness and also allow for an opportunity to let my voice be heard, especially with a community of people who understand creativity and different forms of art.

How do you see your artistic practice engaging with current events?

With everything going on in the world right now and in the United States, now is the time for unity more than ever and a strong loving community. In these days events, its the best time for creatives to use our art to inspire others and spread love. With my poetry and future articles, I want to make the underdog be heard clearly and effectively than it has been in the past. Change needs to happen now, this is no time to continue on with our days and not be affected by the hardships of us minorities. Its not about ourself anymore, it's about us as a community and a race, a human race, but without equality and without love for another, what are we really?