Faculty Spotlight

Daniel Ahiakpor
Instructional Areas
Internet & Mobile Business, Entrepreneurship, Digital Media Strategies, Promotional Marketing, Advertising
Kent Anderson
Instructional Areas
Business of Music, Applied Marketing: Music Business and Digital Business Development.
Holly Bartecki
Instructional Areas
Holly teaches in the Communications and Media Innovations department. Her courses include PR Issues & Crises, Introduction to PR, PR seminar (graduate) and Communications Essentials (general elective).
DeRondal Bevly
Instructional Areas
Social Media, Strategy, Strategic Communications, Public Relations, Media Relations, Copywriting
Robert Blandford
Instructional Areas
Exhibition Management, Curatorial Practice, Gallery Management, Museum Management, Business of Visual Arts
Joseph Bogdan
Instructional Areas
Entertainment, Media, Sports , Technology, Revenue Generation, Profit Maximization, Business Affairs, Legal Affairs, Operations, Business Development, Corporate Development, Entrepreneurship, Intellectual Property , Licensing, Intellectual Asset Management, Trademark, Copyright, Information Technology, Mergers and Acquisitions, M&A, Corporate Law, Live & Performing Arts, Live Events, Commercial Contracts, Business Development, Team Building, Staff Development
Calid Bowen
Instructional Areas
Business of Music Applied Marketing for Music Business Digital Marketing Strategies Entrepreneurship
Dominic Calabrese
Instructional Areas
Media relations, journalism, public speaking
Kevin Christophersen
Instructional Areas
Advertising/Marketing/Social Media
Mary Filice
Instructional Areas
business of media, strategic leadership, events management, entrepreneurship
Warren Frank
Instructional Areas
To help students grow learning the art and science of finance, accounting, and funding.
Monika Jaiswal-Oliver
Instructional Areas
International Education, International Arts Management/Business, Leadership and Strategy Development, Change Management, Marketing.
Sandra Kumorowski
Instructional Areas
Arts Marketing, Media and Communication, Museum Studies, Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Social Change Communication, Promotional Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Branding, Brand Management, Creativity in Marketing, Global Marketing, Branded Entertainment, Advertising, Social Media, Non-Profit Marketing, NGO Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communications, Marketing Plans, Visual Communication
Dawn Larsen
Instructional Areas
Entertainment Law, Intellectual Property Law, Copyright Law, Trademark Law, First Amendment Law
Kathleen Lorden
Instructional Areas
Branded Entertainment, Concepting, Production
Monique Maye
Instructional Areas
Sponsorship, Marketing, Sports Marketing, Sports management , Sports Law, Law, Ethics, Negotiations, Entertainment Marketing, Leadership. Global Marketing
Laurence Minsky
Instructional Areas
Creative Advertising Portfolio Development, Advertising Creative Development, Copywriting, Digital Content and Analytics (including Social Media). •
Peg Murphy
Instructional Areas
Advertising, Creative Strategy/Account Planning, Marketing Research, Integrated/360 Communication, Interdisciplinary Competitions, Interdisciplinary Community Engagement Projects, Account / Brand Management, Consumer Behavior, Marketing Communication
Rachel Ready
Instructional Areas
Consumer Behavior Fall 2022. Past courses included Advertising Workshop, Campaign Practicum, Introduction to Advertising, Introduction to Media, and PR Presentation Skills.
J. Rich
Instructional Areas
Entertainment Marketing International Arts Management Marketing Strategy Planning and Policy Making (Graduate) Fund Raising (Graduate/Undergraduate) Marketing Principles (Graduate) Comparative Cultural Policy (Graduate/Undergraduate)
Beth Ryan
Instructional Areas
Leadership and community engagement, communication effectiveness, human and organizational development.
Anne Scarlett
Instructional Areas
Oral Communication for Managers; Business Writing; Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Oral Communication, Speech, Business and Professional Communication, Professional Speaking Skills, Career Planning and Development, Interviewing Skills, Small Group Communication
Justin Sinkovich
Instructional Areas
Entrepreneurship, innovation, digital marketing, business strategy and leadership, and media business.
Ryan Smith
Instructional Areas
Accounting, Finance, Information Management, Nonprofit Management, Personal Finance
Jeffrey Steele
Instructional Areas
Digital Media Technology, Content Monetization, Consulting, Physical Production, Producing, Development, Acquisitions, Social Enterprise, New Technologies, 3D Printing, Entertainment Financing, Startups, Entertainment Finance, Tax Credits, Business Development, Film Presales, International Co-Productions, Film Lending, Equity Investing, Film and Television Financing, Corporate Strategy, Film Investors, Film Markets, Festivals
Jason Stephens
Instructional Areas
Business of the Film Industry, Entrepreneurship, Economics